Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative Something You ll Always Forget

Logan Fox Lora Meredith English 1020 October 12, 2014 Anesthesiology: Something you’ll always forget â€Å"Count down from ten, and soon you’ll be asleep. We’ll wake you up when the operation is over,† a common phrase from any anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology is a very big field in the world of medicine, and few know about it. From pain management, to full surgical procedures, looking back at anesthesia has shown many advancements in the medical field. Over the years, anesthetics have made some vast improvements. It is essential to know what an anesthesiologist is, the history of anesthetics, and how to become one. This is in part to understand how an anesthesiologist impacts the medical field and why one may want to become one. First of all, one must know what anesthesiology and an anesthesiologist are to understand what is going to be gone over. The history of anesthetics need to be covered also, to get a better grasp of the concept. According to Stephen J. Thomas, a professional at New York’s Presbyterian Hospital, anesthesiology is the practice of me dicine dedicated to the relief of pain and total care of the surgical patient before, during and after surgery. Stemming off of that, an anesthesiologist is a doctor (MD or DO) who practices anesthesia. They specialize in perioperative care, development of an anesthetic plan, and the administration of anesthetics (Thomas). They then use these techniques and newer techniques to properly perform surgery or other proceduresShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : Something You ll Always Forget1904 Words   |  8 PagesLogan Fox Lora Meredith English 1020 October 12, 2014 Anesthesiology: Something you’ll always forget â€Å"Count down from ten, and soon you’ll be asleep. We’ll wake you up when the operation is over,† a common phrase from any anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology is a very big field in the world of medicine, and few know about it. 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